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Hero Image for Lob Deep Dives Blog PostTemporary Reduction in International Mail Destinations
Direct Mail
September 29, 2021

Temporary Reduction in International Mail Destinations


Mark Pinard

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At Lob we are carefully monitoring new developments in the COVID-19 global pandemic and their impact on the global print & mail industry. This includes working closely with our commercial print partners to understand how quarantine and shelter-in-place orders might impact production, and with postal agencies for impacts on delivery.

Any changes across our Print Delivery Network can have an impact on the capabilities of our platform. Yesterday we received a communication from the United States Postal Service (USPS) that they will no longer be accepting mail destined for a select list of foreign countries due to service disruption associated with COVID-19.

As a result, Lob will no longer be able to send mail from the United States to the list of countries with mail delivery suspensions per USPS guidance.

This means that changes were made to our Print & Mail API to exclude these countries. Now if you attempt to send mail to a destination in one of these countries you will receive a 422 error. These errors and the country restrictions are temporary. We will periodically evaluate and restore these destinations as soon as USPS resumes service per their guidance.

We apologize for the disruption, and will continue to quickly communicate any COVID-19 related changes as soon as we become aware of them. If you have any questions about these changes, or other impacts to our Print Delivery Network, please contact your customer success manager, or our customer experience team.

Originally posted 4/2/2020

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