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Hero Image for Lob Deep Dives Blog PostHow Not to Get Ghosted by Your Customers
October 27, 2022

How Not to Get Ghosted by Your Customers


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Ghost hunting is actually somewhat of a normal part of business for marketers. In this case though it's when customers or prospects ghost your organization and seem to disappear into thin air. Customer retention is crucial to the success of a business. You've spent time, energy, and money to acquire those customers - you certainly don't want to be ghosted down the line. One effective method for connecting further with customers is to create a well-executed direct mail campaign. Learn more about direct mail and how it can retain and captivate customers with the right approach so you don't have to go hunting for ghosts, your former customers.

Why use direct mail?

Your direct mail marketing strategy plays a crucial role in customer retention. That's because direct mail provides a way to connect with customers like no other marketing channel. Direct mail statistics show customers are much more likely to view and engage with direct mail than other marketing channels. Combining direct mail with other strategies such as email and text creates a solid marketing plan.

According to Dirk Swisher of DPI Direct (via LinkedIn), approximately 73% of customers prefer direct mail, rather than other forms of marketing such as email. In addition, email response rates are only .06%, whereas direct mail figures are as much as 4.4%. Those are some pretty convincing statistics, but that isn't the only reason to reach out and grab your customers with direct mail campaigns.

  • Direct mail effectively provides QR codes and links
  • Direct mail is more colorful and attractive
  • Direct mail makes reviewing information convenient
  • Direct mail gets the point across immediately

These are just a few reasons why direct mail is effective for customer engagement and interactions. Read on for additional ways a direct mail marketing campaign can have customers running back for more scary-good deals and rewards.

Related: Statistics for Direct Mail

Personalization is a treat for customers

It's well known throughout the marketing world that personalization delivers results. That's one reason direct mail is so effective. It allows for creative customization that gets noticed and provides intrigue. This is because most people look forward to receiving mail. Because they have a sense of anticipation when they check their mailboxes, they're more likely to read the direct mail and digest the information provided in the content. The result in the long term is better customer retention.

When you mix the surprise of direct mail with a great design and color scheme and personalize it to each recipient, you drastically increase the odds of converting them and retaining their interest. Unlike the zombie emails they receive daily, good personalization techniques can include using direct name references and bolding or highlighting their name on the direct mail piece. Making references to their preferences from purchases in the past is also a great technique to engage them and increase direct mail customer retention.

Lure customers with chillingly good offers

A great way to keep loyal customers happy and keep them from ghosting your brand is to offer them sweet treats via direct mail marketing. The customer takes notice of special personalized offers, especially when they arrive in their mailbox. Customers can't resist exceptional gifts for their loyalty.

When you launch a direct mail marketing campaign that focuses on rewarding customer loyalty, it's an opportunity to offer incentives to make another purchase. It's a clear example of how direct mail customer retention works when it's executed properly.

Rewards for loyal customers include percentage discounts, free gifts with additional purchases, and BOGO offers. There are many ways to reward customer loyalty that produce the desired results. If you're in doubt about the best methods to reward loyal customers, enlist the help of a top-notch direct mail marketing company. They have the insight and almost clairvoyant know-how to provide better results and incorporate inventive and proven tactics to keep customers from deserting your company.

Recommended reading:

State of Direct Mail: Consumer Insights

The Best Direct Mail Campaign Designs and Examples

The Modern Marketer’s Guide to Omnichannel Marketing

Timing is everything

When you approach customers with direct mail, timing is everything. Approach the customer with the right material, such as a postcard, when they want it most.

Have they abandoned their cart on your website? An email reminder can be effective, but you can also remind them with direct mail. You might also approach them about items they previously viewed on the website and suggest other options they might like. Why not offer a discount? The more personal direct mail approach can significantly impact customer retention rates.

If you don't know how to time direct mail to get the best results, try teaming up with industry experts with the tools and insight to achieve deadly accurate timing for your direct mail marketing campaign and improve customer retention.


Direct mail captures and holds customer attention by presenting them with offers and deals that encourage them to take action. When your company has the right team handling your direct mail campaign, they effectively manage customer retention and keep customers excited and intrigued by new offers and deals exclusively for them. Don't let customers ghost you!

To learn more about incorporating the best direct mail customer retention campaign into your business flow, reach out to Lob today and see how easy it is to retain your loyal customers while also appealing to prospective customers. Don't struggle to keep a dead marketing strategy that doesn't include one of the most underrated techniques for generating and maintaining customers for most industries.

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