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iExit Interstate Exit Guide is a free app that’s trusted by thousands of travelers to guide them to the best stops on U.S. interstates. From I-5 to I-95, travelers can open the app and discover what exit to take to fuel up, get food, or find lodging for the night.

iExit uses intelligent direct mail to acquire new customers, fuel its growth and recurring revenue, and drive massive ROI of 155%.

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See how the best marketers deliver results for their business with direct mail marketing

Over 10,000 businesses trust Lob to transform their direct mail into intelligent mail.

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Person reading mail and smiling

More of the best direct mail campaigns

Girl Scouts

Girl Scouts

Girl Scouts uses a direct mail postcard campaign to acquire new members in this best direct mail non-profit campaign.

EF Go Ahead Tours
Marketing Offers

EF Go Ahead Tours

See how travel company EF Go Ahead uses direct mail alongside email marketing to drive conversions.



In this best direct mail campaigns example, Vanguard uses a direct mail letter to promote its personal financial advisor service.