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Hero Image for Lob Deep Dives Blog PostUSPS Pricing Increase in January 2024
Direct Mail
December 21, 2023

USPS Pricing Increase in January 2024


Stephanie Donelson

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Effective January 21, 2024, there will be a price increase to USPS mailing services and stamps.

The new rates include a two-cent increase in the price of a First-Mail Forever stamp from 66 cents to 68 cents. Domestic postcards will go from 51 cents to 53 cents. There will be no change to the additional-ounce price, which remains at 24 cents.

This increase is a routine measure to compensate for inflation and increased operating expenses but its services and postage costs remain affordable. The Postal Service is funded by the sale of postage, products, and services and receives little to no tax dollar funding.

According to a press release from the United States Postal Service, this change was proposed due to: “...Inflationary pressures on operating expenses continue and the effects of a previously defective pricing model are still being felt, these price adjustments are needed to provide the Postal Service with much needed revenue to achieve the financial stability sought by its Delivering for America 10-year plan.”

USPS has the right to increase prices every year as long as “the price changes reflect a judicious implementation of the postal service’s pricing authority provided by the Postal Regulatory Commission.”

Save on your direct mail

Curious about the discounts and incentives available to direct mail marketers through USPS? Learn about them in our on-demand video: How to Prepare Your Direct Mail Strategy for 2024.

In this video, our direct mail experts discuss:

  • How to find cost-savings
  • How to integrate direct mail into omnichannel marketing campaigns
  • Hot trends marketers need to know about for direct mail in the coming year

Watch the on-demand video.

Header image for a video on how to prepare your direct mail strategy for 2024

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