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Hero Image for Lob Deep Dives Blog PostTaking Action to Honor Juneteenth
Lob Culture
June 14, 2021

Taking Action to Honor Juneteenth



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Editor's Note: In 2022, Lob will again be closed on June 20 for a company-wide holiday to honor Juneteenth. Over the past year, we've continued to work with organizations fighting for racial justice and have focused internally on providing education and engagement opportunities for our employees, such as a presentation with Intersectional Environmentalist and a discussion and reentry simulation with our partner, Next Chapter. We are continuing to encourage employees to use this day to take the actions below, and we're excited that the final bullet in our list has become a reality!

On June 18th, Lob will be closed for a company-wide holiday in observance of Juneteenth (June 19th), which commemorates the end of slavery in the United States. Juneteenth asks us to consider the promises of freedom not yet fully realized in the United States. Our team will use this day to learn, take action, and celebrate an incredibly meaningful day in history. Here are some ways to get involved:

Last year, Lob made a commitment as a company to address racial injustice, take measurable action, and lead by example. Since then, we’ve expanded our Lob for Good initiative and in April we launched Lob.org, our dedicated social impact arm. We are also a member of Next Chapter, an apprenticeship program designed to shift perceptions and bring formerly-incarcerated individuals into high-skilled engineering roles.

While we are proud of the work we’ve done thus far, we realize there is so much more to do. If you are an organization focused on fighting for racial justice and equity in your work, we offer donated and discounted products through our Lob for Good program and we’d love the opportunity to work with you. If there are other ways we can work together, email us at lob-org@lob.com. Happy Juneteenth!

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