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Hero Image for Lob Deep Dives Blog PostLowering Simple Area Mail Pricing
January 29, 2015

Lowering Simple Area Mail Pricing


Daniel Lian

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Lob has reduced Simple Area Mail ("SAM") prices across all tiers up to 28%! This makes it much more affordable for our users to send postcards to entire zip codes automatically through the API.

Because we have a virtuous cycle philosophy, Lob continuously monitors scale to identify and pass on cost savings to our users. Consequently, we further reduce friction in transitioning to mailing via API. Moreover, we enhance overall customer experience.

Advantages of Simple Area Mail

  • Affordable marketing - SAM is significantly (50%+) cheaper than sending postcards via simple postcard service. Our derivative product makes it affordable to send out mass mailings.
  • Geographic targeting - SAM enables users to target prospects down to the delivery route and send postcards to every single deliverable address selected. By surveying localities that fit your users' demographics you can market to entire neighborhoods with a simple API call.
  • Higher response rates - 85% of consumers read their mail daily and 40% report that they've tried new businesses after receiving a mail advertisement. Direct mail has consistently shown higher response rates than email, making it an extremely effective form of advertising.

If you have any questions about Simple Area Mail or would like to start sending today, reach out to sales@lob.com.

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