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Hero Image for Lob Deep Dives Blog PostLob Staff Engineer, Erin Doyle, To Speak At REFACTR.TECH
August 31, 2022

Lob Staff Engineer, Erin Doyle, To Speak At REFACTR.TECH


Walker Palecek

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November 2022 update: Watch Erin's talk here!

Everything you need to know about this event is summarized in the logo: A super-fun, colorful mashup of Diversity, Inclusion, and Tech. REFACTR.TECH is all about growing and showcasing powerful voices of marginalized people and allies in tech. The event will focus on technology while creating a safe space for thoughtful and nuanced conversations around diversity, inclusion, and intersectionality in tech. This three-day event is a combination of workshops, keynote, and track sessions by an incredible lineup of speakers to expand knowledge, hone technical skills, and make important connections.

The event will be held in Atlanta, GA, from September 14-16. Lob’s Staff Engineer Erin Doyle will be presenting on behalf of Lob; we caught up with her to tell us more.

As a female in a technical leadership position, I feel like it's important for me to speak at events like this and show other women that they can achieve success in this industry.

Why do you want to speak at this event?

I've been to the CONNECT.TECH conference a number of times in the past and it's an amazing conference. When the same organizers started up REFACTR.TECH I was immediately excited and wanted to experience a conference that brings tech together with a focus on diversity and inclusion. It's really an honor for me years later to be able to speak at a conference that literally hands the mic over to marginalized folks to give them a space to be heard. As a female in a technical leadership position, I feel like it's important for me to speak at events like this and show other women that they can achieve success in this industry.

What are you going to talk about?

Joining a new company as a Staff+ Software Engineer—versus being promoted at a company you've been at for a while—can be an invitation for an Imposter Syndrome attack. I'll cover tips for battling that Imposter Syndrome and ways that you can be the most effective in your role to hit the ground running. Key takeaways will include:

  • How to fight imposter syndrome that spikes when starting a new job
  • How to get ramped up on the new technical landscape quickly
  • Methods for building rapport more quickly
  • How to be useful and effective quickly
Lob Staff Engineer, Erin Doyle, To Speak At REFACTR.TECH image 2

Which talk are you most excited about and why?

Of all the presentations at Refactr, I'm most looking forward to attending Jameson Hampton’s "Reframing Shame & Embracing Mistakes.” For too many years I personally struggled with a self-imposed pressure to outwardly portray perfection in everything I did. I didn't realize that I, in turn, was modeling and sending that message to more junior folks that they also had to be perfect—or else they were less-than. Since learning how incredibly toxic that way of thinking and acting was, I've been working to try to model and encourage others to see that perfection is a myth, we're all human, we all make mistakes and it's totally ok. So I'm really excited to hear more on that topic and other ways I can battle my Imposter Syndrome-induced perfectionism and help others do the same.

REFACTR.TECH provides content valuable to a wide range of experience levels and interests from highly technical topics of interest to intermediate to senior developers, as well as beginner-friendly sessions and workshops. Leadership, career development and product tracks are appropriate for any experience level. It’s not too late to get tickets to this unique event!

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