Christina Louie Dyer
Direct mail is a powerful tool for communication and change. Our customer, Ameelio, is leveraging direct mail to communicate voter eligibility and rights to currently incarcerated individuals.
In May, Lob signed a nonpartisan voter access statement alongside more than 100 other companies with the belief that every American should have a voice in our democracy and that voting should be safe and accessible to all voters.
Given the rising rhetoric around voter fraud with the most recent presidential election, the idea of voting has become more intimidating for people who are currently incarcerated or on parole, as they do not want to do anything that might further jeopardize their situation. That said, hundreds of thousands of those who are currently incarcerated are legally eligible to vote.
Ameelio and The Eric H. Holder Jr. Initiative for Civil and Political Rights at Columbia University used Lob to run a direct mail outreach campaign for currently incarcerated individuals to inform them of their rights for the June primary elections:
In June, New Yorkers voted on candidates for Mayor, City Council, Public Advocate, and Comptroller of NYC, and the candidates for Manhattan District Attorney. Ameelio reached out to all candidates with the question, “what should incarcerated New Yorkers know about you?” The majority of candidates answered the question and those answers were included in an outreach packet sent to incarcerated individuals, along with a voter registration and absentee ballot request form.
Lob contributed financially to this campaign, as we believe that everyone who is eligible to vote should have the opportunity to do so. We’re grateful to work with amazing organizations like Ameelio who demonstrate the impact of direct mail through their important work.