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Hero Image for Lob Deep Dives Blog Post8 Takeaways from CommerceNext
August 8, 2019

8 Takeaways from CommerceNext


Lauren Ritchie

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With topics ranging from customer acquisition to marketing team design, CommerceNext is a conference made for modern marketers. Couldn’t make it this year? Lob has got you covered! We hosted a panel discussion on direct marketing and connected with tons of folks at our booth. We learned a lot and want to share our most memorable takeaways with you.

  1. Marketers are diminishing their dependency on digital channels
    Audiences are distracted when using digital channels. Plus, digital channels have a lot of x factors baked into their pricing models, making them an increasingly expensive channel with varying effectiveness.
  2. Diversifying our omnichannel campaigns
    Marketers are diversifying the mediums they use in their omnichannel campaigns. Digital audio, mobile messaging, and direct mail were highlighted as channels that have unique targeting and value propositions. By utilizing multiple different mediums, marketers are creating campaigns that can leverage a channels strengths, while mitigating potential drawbacks— resulting in engaging campaigns that bridge the offline and online world.
  3. Increasing engagement across the lifecycle
    By expanding their campaigns beyond acquisition and retention, marketers are able to create new opportunities for engagement. To increase their customer LTV, marketers are creating omnichannel campaigns that can win back newly churned customers. Additionally, brands are growing their audience by creating enticing referral and advocacy campaigns for engaged customers.
  4. Intelligent direct mail has arrived
    Direct mail has always been a channel that has resonated with audiences, and technology has brought new functionality to the medium, increasing it’s agility. Whether it’s retargeting online browsers, combatting abandoned carts, or winning back churned customers; marketers are using direct mail to create responsive campaigns.
  5. Using personalization to grow
    Personalization is key to driving engagement. By individualizing content, marketers are increasing their response rates and the accuracy of their testing.
  6. Utilizing connected systems
    Martech is solving problems for marketers, allowing them to become more efficient with fewer resources. However, as our technology stacks get more.
  7. Emerging trends for direct mail
    Lob announced the State of Direct Mail, a survey with insight from 200 marketing leaders, providing insights on how organizations are using direct mail today and how they’re planning to manage their campaigns tomorrow.
  8. HelloFresh takes home the prize with their direct mail campaign
    By using personalized direct mail, HelloFresh, bridged their online and offline campaigns to winback customers and won the CommerceNexty award for Outstanding Cross-Channel Campaign.

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