Many marketers are surprised at how well direct mail marketing fits within digital strategies, including eCommerce operations. Considering the average cart abandonment rate is just under 70%, this is a crucial focus area that can significantly influence your bottom line.
While emailing the prospective buyer is often the go-to solution, it's not the only option. The results can be eye-opening when you begin to rethink the value of an omnichannel approach and what that means concerning new, targeted channels.
Want to drive your cart abandonment rates down? Here's how direct mail (DM) can help.
An abandoned cart does not always equal a lost sale, so marketing teams must get creative when aiming to tip the scales. Trillions of dollars are being left in carts each year, which is why you must follow up—and email isn't the only avenue to connect.
Suppose your company sends retargeting ads and has the technology to grab information before someone abandons their cart. In that case, you can leverage the power of direct mail to encourage customers to return. For example, you can send relevant, targeted mailers in response to an abandoned cart by connecting your CRM (like Salesforce) and eCommerce platform (like Shopify) with a direct mail platform (like Lob). This action can trigger a personalized mailer with strong CTA messaging. For example, "Use this 15% off discount code to complete your purchase today."
Technology is also available that matches cookies with addresses, such as the tools available from AtData. This option allows you to identify more unknown prospective customers.
Regardless of how you send mailers, include personalized URLs to see which leads engage—that way, you know that you should continue nurturing those customers. This advantage is one of the many reasons direct mail marketing yields such a high ROI.
While direct mail often yields a 13x higher response rate than email, both channels play a pivotal role in any omnichannel strategy. The key is knowing which channel to use and when. For example, open rates associated with direct mail reach up to 90% based on the value of personalization. However, the instantaneous messaging power of email is a major strength.
You don't need to choose one or the other for abandon cart strategies—both offer advantages and can even work well together. For example, an abandoned cart may trigger an email to remind customers of the product they left behind. Since open rates are lower than direct mail, unresponsive customers can be added to a direct mail campaign. A relevant, tailored follow-up mailer could turn a lead into a paying customer—especially when you include a discount, as discussed above.
Read more: The Perfect Pairing: Direct Mail + Digital
Email marketing is often the go-to cart abandonment solution among digital marketers, but what if you don't have someone's email?
If you can't capture the prospective buyer's email using a pop-up form, direct mail retargeting technology, as mentioned above, is an option. In this case, ensure the mailer is personalized without creeping a shopper out. After all, privacy concerns are significant among shoppers these days. Say something like, "Hey, Carole! Were you recently checking out boots on our site? We want to give you a 15% off coupon to grow your collection." Add a photo of your boot collection, including the left-behind boots.
Don't think this can be accomplished in a timely fashion?
Many marketers are unaware that hyper-personalized direct mail campaigns can be created in less than an hour. Automation has changed the game, and Lob is leading the way. You can leverage direct mail marketing through greater automation in response to trigger-based scenarios, including cart abandonment.
Whether you're using email, digital marketing strategies, or both, here are a few tips to help you bring back reluctant customers and drive higher sales.
Lob is the only direct mail automation platform that allows you to send hyper-targeted mail at scale and identify the right audiences. Lob can help you re-engage shoppers while boosting the speed and quality of your direct mail campaigns.
Learn more about Lob's audience targeting.