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Hero Image for Lob Deep Dives Blog PostBest Direct Mail Campaigns: Omnichannel Marketing
Direct Mail
April 9, 2024

Best Direct Mail Campaigns: Omnichannel Marketing


Stephanie Donelson

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Each month we feature some pieces from our best direct mail campaigns collection that inspire our own direct mail marketing efforts, and we hope they inspire yours as well.

Today, we’re highlighting three brands that are sending amazing direct mail marketing campaigns that tie into bigger omnichannel or multi-channel marketing campaigns.

Direct mail isn’t a standalone marketing channel. It works best when paired with other channels, such as email marketing, SMS marketing, Out-of-Home advertising, and social media. We know prospects engage with marketing messages across a variety of channels and often require multiple touchpoints before converting. And these brands are demonstrating how well direct mail works alongside digital marketing channels to drive those conversions.

Let’s see what elements are working for these multi-channel marketing campaigns.

Go Ahead Tours brochure
Go Ahead Tours email

EF Go Ahead Tours

EF Go Ahead Tours, a group tours and educational travel company, is running an omnichannel marketing campaign promoting a summer sale. Let’s see what elements are working in this marketing campaign:

  • Imagery: Go Ahead lets its pictures do the talking and features stunning visuals of trending travel destinations in this campaign.
  • Copy: We also have to appreciate the fact that on the catalog they have a picture of a sun shining and match the copy to the imagery: “Lock in exclusive deals today and find out why summer travel shines.” Clever. It’s also interesting to note that Go Ahead is very light on the text and always refers to recipients in the second person. “You could be here!” is the message that’s shared in both the direct mail piece and email.
  • Offer: The offer is straightforward and simple: Save up to $500. There are also a few ways the recipient can take action on the offer, by booking online or calling, whichever is more comfortable and convenient for them.
  • CTA: The language for the CTAs is well done: Save, book today, and lock in exclusive deals. These words create a sense of urgency but also provide some peace of mind as the recipient will be saving money by booking now - and ensure they get a spot on a coveted trip. The email follow-up reminds the recipient it’s the final hours to take advantage, again tapping into that sens of FOMO and urgency.
Mailer from the San Francisco Symphony
Mailer from the San Francisco Symphony
email from the San Francisco Symphony
Email from the San Francisco Symphony
Mailer from the San Francisco Symphony

San Francisco Symphony

The San Francisco Symphony knows how to orchestrate a beautiful marketing campaign across many marketing channels, including direct mail. Let’s see what’s working in this great omnichannel marketing campaign:

  • The ask: The Symphony is looking for gifts and contributions from its supporters in the email and letter-based direct mail campaign. A new season has started and the Symphony does not want its supporters to miss out on the benefits available with a membership. The winter sale is a more straightforward offer of 50% off select concerts.
  • Copy: The San Francisco Symphony wants to make sure members understand the exclusive benefits available to members by repeating the word exclusive several times.
  • Branding/Imagery: The bright blue is used several times across the marketing messages and matches the company’s brand colors. No matter if the message is sent on a postcard or via email, the images are vibrant but also somewhat dark, much like sitting in the theater would be.
Direct mail from Shutterfly
Direct mail from Shutterfly
SMS marketing message from Shutterfly


Shutterfly is no stranger to the world of print and beautifully demonstrates how print marketing works alongside digital marketing! Let’s take a closer look at what’s working for this campaign that spans several channels:

  • Imagery: The shiny colors of the box with the bow definitely catch people’s attention and feels right for a holiday marketing campaign. The branded colors also make it recognizable as Shutterfly.
  • The offer: Half off sounds like a great deal and Shutterfly is making it super easy to see exactly what the recipient is going to get by using these coupon codes. Shutterfly also makes it every clear when the offer expires, both on the direct mail campaign and in the SMS messages.
  • Copy: The copy is pretty minimal on both marketing channels. Makes sense for the SMS marketing messages as no one is going to read a novel in a text message, but even the direct mail asset features copy that’s short and sweet.
  • Tracking: The marketing team at Shutterfly is going to have a much easier time tracking the results of these campaigns by using custom redemption codes and shortened URLs with tracking parameters. This doesn’t change or detract from the customer or prospect’s experience, but streamlines the analysis process for Shutterfly.

Let’s get phygital in our marketing

Marketers are tapping into the power of phygital, where physical and digital marketing meet. And you can too! Want to continue learning about best practices in omnichannel marketing? Download your copy of the eBook: The Modern Marketer’s Guide to Omnichannel Marketing.

What if you lose a digital marketing channel?

Many of these examples show how direct mail and email marketing work together so well, but sometimes email marketing is the first channel to go if a customer is getting ready to churn or is disengaged with marketing messages. See how direct mail can step in and pull more weight to retain customers in the long-run, while finding other channels they’ll engage with.

See what ThirdLove did when customers were unsubscribing from email marketing:

Recommended resources

Direct Mail Marketing Cheat Sheet

3 Focus Areas for Direct Mail Strategies and How to Measure the Results

Direct Mail Marketing: What Marketers can Learn From Each Other and Consumers

5 Things To Try in Your Direct Mail - Based on Real Results

New to direct mail marketing?

Not quite sure where to start with direct mail in your marketing strategy? See how marketers across the country are using the channel and the success they’re having with it by downloading your copy of the 2024 State of Direct Mail report.

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