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Hero Image for Lob Deep Dives Blog PostBest Direct Mail Campaigns: Customer Acquisition
Direct Mail
January 9, 2024

Best Direct Mail Campaigns: Customer Acquisition


Stephanie Donelson

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Each month we feature some pieces from our best direct mail campaigns collection that inspire our own direct mail marketing efforts, and we hope they inspire yours as well.

Today, we’re highlighting three brands that are sending amazing direct mail marketing campaigns to acquire new customers.

One key way to get a new customer’s attention? Feature an offer or promotion! Our 2023 State of Direct Mail Consumer Insights report shows that 65% of consumers say an offer or promotion caught their attention.

Woman looking at mail with text showing 65% of consumers say an offer caught their attention

See how these brands are using direct mail to the best of their ability in their customer acquisition efforts in this blog post!

Delta Dental postcard front
Back of a postcard direct mail campaign from Delta Dental
A postcard customer acquisition campaign from Delta Dental

Delta Dental

Delta Dental, a dental insurance company, sent out this mailer, in partnership with AARP, to help new patients enroll and get dental insurance. Let’s see what elements are working in this direct mail marketing campaign:

  • Copy: This mailer features some clever copy and play on the words, “tough act to follow,” with “tough fact to swallow.” Then, on the backside the mailer explains the benefits of enrolling today and how to enroll.
  • Custom URL: Delta Dental will be able to more easily track new customers with a custom URL on the front, though the custom URL is a bit long. A QR code would have worked really well here. It also features a phone number on the back, that is probably trackable.
  • Design: This mailpiece is designed simply and makes it easy to scan and get the most important information quickly.
Free trial offer postcard direct mail campaign from Disney
Direct mail campaing from Disney+
A customer acquisition campaign from Disney+


Disney+, the streaming service from Disney, is mailing potential new customers with a free trial offer. Let’s take a closer look at this customer acquisition direct mail campaign:

  • Offer: We said earlier that consumers’ attention is caught by offers so Disney+ leads with its offer of a seven-day free trial with a custom offer code. Makes it easy for the consumer to take action and makes it easy for the marketing team to track redemptions.
  • Copy: Disney+ taps into some FOMO here by telling recipients that they don’t want to miss the next chapter of their favorite stories. It also uses repetition of the CTA on both the front and back of the postcard by saying twice, “Start your 7-day free trial. Limited-time offer.”
  • Imagery: The mailer features images from its popular shows and movies and then the logos of those properties, like Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, and National Geographic.
  • Social cross-promotion: Disney adds a section that features the social media channels the service is on to encourage people to follow the brand. Maybe if they don’t act on this offer they’ll act later when they follow the account.
Best Direct Mail Campaigns: Customer Acquisition image 2
Best Direct Mail Campaigns: Customer Acquisition image 3
Customer acquisition mailer from Hudson Grace

Hudson Grace

Hudson Grace, a furniture and home goods retailer, sent out a customer acquisition mailer with some unique elements. Here’s why this mailer works:

  • An experience: Hudson Grace really taps into the power that direct mail is physical and makes this mailer an experience by including a scent element so recipients can experience the smell of the candle before buying it.
  • Social proof: The mailer features a customer testimonial and review of the product to help make recipients more comfortable with their purchase.
  • QR code: The mailer features a QR code and URL so recipients can start shopping immediately after smelling the new candle.
  • Imagery: The imagery and even the design is simple and features just a few colors that match the branding. The colors are white, black, red, and green to call attention the sweet basil scent.

Acquire new customers with direct mail marketing

Want to continue learning about best practices in direct mail marketing for customer acquisition? Download your copy of the eBook: The Modern Marketer’s Guide to Customer Acquisition with Direct Mail.

Recommended resources

Direct Mail Marketing Cheat Sheet

Lobcast Podcast: Slide into a New DM - Direct Mail

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Meet your marketing goals one direct mail campaign at a time

When it comes to creating a great direct mail campaign, you don’t have to start from scratch. Explore our best direct mail collection to find ideas of what you can incorporate into your next mailpiece or what elements you should be testing to further optimize your own marketing campaigns.

Curious to learn more about using direct mail alongside email marketing in your organization? Talk to one of our direct mail experts to see how easy it is to get started with Lob’s direct mail automation software.

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