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Hero Image for Lob Deep Dives Blog PostBest Direct Mail Campaigns: Consumer Insights in Action
Direct Mail
September 12, 2023

Best Direct Mail Campaigns: Consumer Insights in Action


Stephanie Donelson

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Each month we feature some pieces from our best direct mail campaigns collection that inspire our own direct mail marketing efforts, and we hope they inspire yours as well.

Today, we’re highlighting some brands that are sending direct mail that follows what the data shows in our 2023 State of Direct Mail Consumer Insights report. Let’s take a closer look at how these three brands are meeting consumers’ expectations when it comes to direct mail marketing.

The Farmer's Dog direct mail postcard
The Farmer's Dog direct mail postcard campaign example

The Farmer’s Dog

The Farmer’s Dog, a pet food company, uses direct mail in its customer acquisition efforts. Let’s see how they’re putting our consumer insights to work:

  • QR codes: Our report shows that 39% of consumers are likely to scan a QR code on a piece of direct mail and take action. And saving 50% off the first box is something many dog owners would want to take action on, especially if it’s as easy as scanning a QR code. The brand also offers a URL if consumers prefer not to scan - and we found that nearly 60% of consumers visit a brand website after receiving direct mail.
  • The offer: 65% of consumers said an offer or promotion will catch their attention and The Farmer’s Dog is providing a fantastic offer to its new customers.
  • Social proof: The Farmer’s Dog features a testimonial from a dog owner about how the food has improved their dog’s health and happiness.

OPositiv direct mail postcard
OPositiv direct mail postcard campaign example

O Positiv

O Positiv, a women’s health brand, leverages direct mail not just to encourage repeat business, but personalizes it to drive repeat business where the consumer is already doing their shopping - in this case, Amazon. Let’s take a closer look at its campaign:

  • QR codes: Like the example from The Farmer’s Dog with its easy-to-scan QR codes, O Positiv has QR codes on both sides of the mailer with instructions to scan the code to redeem the offer of 25% off.
  • Images: Consumers also told us that images of previously purchased items or local events are most impactful for engagement. O Positiv features imagery of its products for instant brand recognition and to encourage a repeat purchase, or invite customers to try a new product line.
  • The offer: Like The Farmer’s Dog, O Positiv makes it easy to take action with the QR code, but the brand also makes the offer easy to understand and doesn’t clutter the mailer with multiple options. It’s one straightforward offer they can redeem.
Sweater direct mail piece example
Sweater direct mail campaign example


Sweater, a VC fund that invests in high-growth startups, used a postcard campaign to let investors access an important shareholder report. Let’s take a closer look at what elements are working in Sweater’s direct mail marketing campaign:

  • QR codes: Sweater is following the leaders and uses a QR code to make it easy for its customers to get their copy of the report. With 64% of consumers saying direct mail has inspired them to take action, this postcard is a great way to engage shareholders and let them access the report on their time.
  • Sustainability: Sweater tells its shareholders they will not be getting a copy paper of this report unless specifically requested to help reduce paper waste. 54% of consumers agree they are more likely to purchase from a brand that prioritizes sustainability and by offering electronic copies of the report, Sweater is doing its part to reduce paper usage. This mailer is also simple in design and not heavy with graphics, requiring fewer resources to print the piece. Plus, once shareholders have access to their report and have saved it to their phone or computer, they can recycle the postcard!

Recommended resources

The Power of Direct Mail infographic (see what consumers want from direct mail and how marketers deliver it!)

Lobcast Podcast: Deconstructing Direct Mail & Dessert Manhattans

Lobcast Podcast: State of Direct Mail Consumer Insights & Island Cosmos

The Modern Marketer’s Guide to Omnichannel Marketing

The Modern Marketer’s Guide to Customer Retention Using Direct Mail

Meet your marketing goals one direct mail campaign at a time

When it comes to creating a great direct mail campaign, you don’t have to start from scratch. Explore our best direct mail collection to find ideas of what you can incorporate into your next mail piece or what elements you should be testing to further optimize your own marketing campaigns.

Curious to learn more about using direct mail alongside email marketing in your organization? Talk to one of our direct mail experts to see how easy it is to get started with Lob’s direct mail automation software.

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