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Hero Image for Lob Deep Dives Blog PostBest Direct Mail Campaigns Special Edition: Black Friday & Cyber Monday Marketing
Direct Mail
November 7, 2023

Best Direct Mail Campaigns Special Edition: Black Friday & Cyber Monday Marketing


Stephanie Donelson

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Each month we feature some pieces from our best direct mail campaigns collection that inspire our own direct mail marketing efforts, and we hope they inspire yours as well.

Today, we’re highlighting three brands that are using direct mail marketing to promote Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals. Not only can mailers and coupons bring people into physical stores thanks to a physical form of marketing, but direct mail can also increase online conversions with custom promo codes or QR codes.

See what elements make up a great Black Friday or Cyber Monday direct mail campaign in this blog post!

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Best Direct Mail Campaigns Special Edition: Black Friday & Cyber Monday Marketing  image 3
A direct mail campaign from Carter's


Carter’s, a children’s apparel retailer, is using direct mail effectively to drive sales for Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Let’s see what elements make this a great Black Friday direct mail campaign:

  • Colors: This mailer screams “holidays!” with its green and red color scheme. The image of the kids playing the snow also reinforces the holiday feeling.
  • CTA: Carter’s reiterates that the Black Friday sale starts November 16 and offers a few ways to shop the sale. Customers can use the pick up curbside option, shop in a store (and includes the address of the nearest store to the recipient), or scan the QR code to get the best deals and get the best prices of the year. It also clearly states the dates for both Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals.
  • Secondary CTA: There’s another CTA on this postcard that features an offer on applying for the Carter’s credit card where recipients can save 30% on the first credit card purchase.
  • Social media: Carter’s also includes social media icons for Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter/X, and encourages people to tag the brand in their posts and where they can follow the brand online.
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Best Direct Mail Campaigns Special Edition: Black Friday & Cyber Monday Marketing  image 5
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A holiday direct mail campaign from Macy's


Macy’s, the department store, is doing a magical job with its holiday mailer. Let’s take a closer look at this Black Friday direct mail campaign:

  • Copy: Macy’s doesn’t waste any time and gets right to the fun stuff with this mailer by saying there’s “so much to unwrap” in this direct mail campaign. Then is going to make spirits bright and let the customer choose the most convenient way to pick up their gifts. We see Santa isn’t under contract to deliver for Macy’s.
  • Branding: The colors are bright and festive for the holiday season.
  • Images: When not relying on the green, white, and red color scheme, the snowy images reinforce the idea of shopping for the winter holiday season.
  • Offers: This mailer is a real gift with a plethora of coupons and special offers for the recipient. They can cut out the coupon and use it in-store or type in the unique promo code.
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Best Direct Mail Campaigns Special Edition: Black Friday & Cyber Monday Marketing  image 8
A mailer from Omaha Steaks

Omaha Steaks

Omaha Steaks, a meat delivery company, is leveraging postcards to promote its Cyber Monday sale. Here’s why this mailer works:

  • Format: The dual-sided postcard is a great format to convey information quickly and let the recipient scan the piece at their leisure.
  • Offer: The offer is prominently displayed and repeated. Anyone who looks at this knows they’re getting 50% off and can see what menu items have an extra 10% off and how much they’ll cost. Clear and upfront pricing makes it easy for recipients to know if this is within their budget for gifting this season. Plus, it’s easy to take action on the mailer as people can visit the custom Cyber Monday landing page or call the 1-800 number.
  • Images: The mailer also features tantalizing imagery to help consumers buy the right cut of meat or product they’re looking for.
  • Design: Omaha Steaks is not incorporating traditional holiday colors for this mailer but instead of using a bright neon blue with white text set against black backgrounds. It pops and gets your attention.

Get your holiday campaigns out for delivery

If we’re already talking about Black Friday and Cyber Monday, that means the holiday season is upon us! You can still add direct mail to your holiday marketing campaigns to generate more sales and increase your campaign’s ROI. Learn how with our eBook: A Data-Driven Guide to Holiday Direct Mail Success.

Recommended resources

Resource Roundup: Your Reference Guide to Sleigh Holiday Marketing

Marketing Checklist for Holiday Campaigns

5 Things To Try in Your Direct Mail - Based on Real Results

The Power of Direct Mail infographic

Meet your marketing goals one direct mail campaign at a time

When it comes to creating a great direct mail campaign, you don’t have to start from scratch. Explore our best direct mail collection to find ideas of what you can incorporate into your next mailpiece or what elements you should be testing to further optimize your own marketing campaigns.

Curious to learn more about using direct mail alongside email marketing in your organization? Talk to one of our direct mail experts to see how easy it is to get started with Lob’s direct mail automation software.

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