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Hero Image for Lob Deep Dives Blog PostAnnouncing Logo Support for Checks
Product Releases
October 24, 2014

Announcing Logo Support for Checks


Dan Zhao

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Today we are excited to finally announce a new feature being added to our check offering - logos! A logo can be added on any check with no extra charges and the feature is also available immediately.

This is the first significant step in our effort to provide customers with more ways to customize their checks, especially when generated through Lob. We've also upgraded the check paper that we're using to look even more beautiful than before.

Booting Up Customized Logos

Here's a sample request that creates a check with the Lob logo in the upper left, since we use everything we build.

curl https://api.lob.com/v1/checks \
-u test_0dc8d51e0acffcb1880e0f19c79b2f5b0cc: \
-d "name=Demo Check" \
-d "to[name]=Harry Zhang" \
-d "to[address_line1]=123 Test Street" \
-d "to[address_city]=Mountain View" \
-d "to[address_state]=CA" \
-d "to[address_zip]=94041" \
-d "to[address_country]=US" \
-d "bank_account=bank_3e64d9904356b20" \
-d "amount=2200" \
-d "memo=rent" \
-d "logo=http://assets.lob.com/lob_check_logo.png"

Feel free to shoot us an email at support@lob.com if the feature stalls due to any issues. We're continually looking to improve our product and offer our customers even more features. In conclusion, let us know what you think!

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