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Hero Image for Lob Deep Dives Blog PostProduct Update: Lob Address Verification API is Even Easier to Use
March 12, 2018

Product Update: Lob Address Verification API is Even Easier to Use


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At Lob, we pride ourselves on being customer first, and we've been speaking with hundreds of address verification API customers to get feedback on what we could do better. We incorporated that feedback into six big updates that make verification easier to use:

  • "I don't know how to use the deliverability values" - To simplify things, we merged no_match into undeliverable, and, to help you differentiate when an apartment or unit is unnecessary versus incorrect, we split deliverable_extra_secondary into deliverable_unnecessary_unit and deliverable_incorrect_unit. We're the first address verification service to explicitly make the distinction.
  • "What does secondary mean?" - Secondary number is the technical term for the additional number required to identify individual addresses within a larger building that contain multiple addresses, like apartment or office buildings. We changed our deliverability values to end in the more colloquial "unit." For example, deliverable_missing_secondary is now deliverable_missing_unit.
  • "It's hard to know and test different types of addresses I need to verify" - We greatly improved our test responses for the US verification service and deprecated the zip_code special values in favor of easier to remember primary_line special values that return realistic and comprehensive data. See The US Verifications Test Environment section of our documentation for details.
  • "The uppercase in the verified response isn't visually pleasing" - We added a query argument, case, to US verifications that lets you set it to proper case (e.g. "PO Box" vs "PO BOX"). Possible values are proper and upper.
  • "I need to validate addresses but don't have developers" - We're the first service on Zapier to add Actions to verify US and international addresses. There are two and you can use them to verify addresses in Google Sheets, Salesforce, and thousands of other services without a single developer! See our Zapier page for details.
  • "I can't afford address verification yet" - We've been there too and, to help you grow, we're offering one free year of unlimited US verifications to early startups and small businesses. See our pricing page for details.

For details, see our US address verification API documentation and, to start using them, switch to the latest API version. We hope you enjoy these updates and would love to hear your feedback at support@lob.com!


The Address Verification Team

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