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Hero Image for Lob Deep Dives Blog Post13 Startup Tools to be Thankful For
Lob Culture
November 27, 2013

13 Startup Tools to be Thankful For


Dan Zhao

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As Lob gets ready to celebrate its first Thanksgiving as a company, we’d like to take some time to reflect on the things that we are most thankful for on a daily basis. These are the tools that have made our lives so much easier and maybe can help you out too!


It is always helpful to know when someone has opened or not opened your emails so you know when you need to follow-up. Now you never have to worry or wonder if someone has actually read your email.


A simple way to guess anybody’s email address. As you can imagine, this has been a very powerful tool for us. Check it out, it’s magical.


Provides a chat box on our site for customers to talk directly with us. It’s our goal to constantly make our customers happy, and as such providing an effective and easy for them to communicate with us. This has not only led to great feedback, but has also helped us build relationships.


Zenefits has been a huge time saver - letting us set up new employees, provide a dashboard for them to manage their benefits, and get everything set up with insurance providers with the click of a button. What used to take weeks now takes less than a day!


This handy little tool makes you never get lost in your inbox again. Everyone has been there and forgotten to follow up with a customer or vendor. Boomerang lets you bounce emails back to the top of your inbox if there is no reply and set emails to go out in the future. It’s amazing.


Thank you Tomer and co. for giving us an easy way to make sure all our guys get paid! Easily the best payroll management service out there.


As you may have experienced yourself, there are so many project management options out there. We tried many ourselves and found that Basecamp works the best for us.

Base CRM

Integration with gmail allows us to easily track messages with customers and always reminds us to follow-up as our inboxes fill up.


Indinero gives us an easy way to keep track of our revenue and expenses so that we can make sure we are on the right track when it comes to spending money.


Postman is our right hand man when it comes to building new APIs. It makes us so much more efficient testing and sending requests for our API. You can even save groups of requests into collections to share across the team!

Hacker News

A great way to keep up with the latest and greatest whilst getting constructive feedback from the developer community on new product and feature releases/updates.


Whether we are 10 employees or 100 employees, we hope we can always gather around our pancake stack every Friday. We think its very important to preserve our fun company culture as we grow.

Amazon Web Services

Accidentally delete your users table? Don't worry, AWS got your back(up).

On the eve of Thanksgiving, what are you most thankful for? We’d love to hear about it!

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