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2024 State of Direct Mail Consumer Insights Report

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2024 State of Direct Mail Consumer Insights Report

Lob and Comperemedia have teamed up to bring you the 2024 State of Direct Mail Consumer Insights report. This report unveils data and insights from a survey of 2,000 consumers aged 18+. Discover consumer perspectives on direct mail, how they engage with it, and how it stacks up with other channels. Then, turn these insights into action to increase response rates, conversions, and ROI for your direct mail campaigns.

Here is a sneak peek at some of the key findings & actionable insights. Download the report and start shaping your direct mail strategy.

65% of respondents are likely to engage with mail from a brand they already have a relationship with. Direct mail is also the communication channel most often preferred for engaging with unfamiliar brands, particularly among older respondents, making it an excellent option for acquisition campaigns. 

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Two-thirds of respondents read direct mail pieces on the same day they receive them, and 51% say they often or sometimes share direct mail with friends and family. Use automated and triggered direct mail campaigns to maximize the timeliness of every send and inspire immediate action.

Screenshot of a Page from Lobs 2024 State of Direct Mail Report

Of respondents who have taken action from a direct mail piece in the past, 55% checked the brand's website, and 42% searched for the product online. Connect the dots between direct mail and digital conversions with QR codes, PURLs, and unique offer codes that make it easy for audiences to find your brand online.

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